What I like the most about participating in volunteer activities is the sense that I am giving back what life have been given to me as well as am impacting in others’ lives.
Segal and Lawrence (2019, Jun) states that volunteer activities can help to:
1. Connect you to others
2. Provide good for your mind and body
3. Advance your career and develop skills
4. Bring fun and fulfillment to your life
So, with that being said, I consider that even when we provide help to others when volunteering, in reality we, as volunteers, are the most benefited.
My work team at Alimentos Polar Comercial used to collect gifts every Christmas for children living at HONIM Barquisimeto, the home of kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
I participated for 8 month as international cultural exchange program volunteer at AIESEC, the world's largest youth-run organization that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural internships, and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe.
My two best friends and I created a salsa dance non-profit in a suburb of Barquisimeto, in order to teach people how to dance salsa.
Once a month, the students of the ELI go to volunteering activities in the city of Gainesville to learn about US culture.